Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Dos and Don’ts of ICT Functional Skills examination…

1. Do eat breakfast in the morning. Bring a bottle of plain water if you need it. Any other liquid or food is not allowed.
2. Do make sure you have at least two pens.
3. Do use the toilet before coming to the examination room.
4. Do not bring in mobile phones, it is not allowed in the examination room.
5. Do remember you will not be allowed to get out of your seat throughout the examination.
6. Do not attempt to talk to any other student throughout the examination.
7. Do not log on until you are given permission to do so.
8. Do start with Section A. You will be allowed to spend 15 minutes on Section A and 1 hour and 45 minutes on Section B.
9. Do use the internet in Section A. You must not use the internet in Section B.
10. Do remember to attempt all questions and use your time effectively.
11. Do remember to print when the question paper instructs you to print instead of waiting till you complete the entire assessment. Any piece of work without your details on will not be given to you.
12. Do remember to check the printout to make sure it is readable otherwise reprint the document.
13. Do remember to print off your data view when instructed to do so when completing the spreadsheet task otherwise you will lose marks.
14. Do remember to check that your chart (s) has suitable titles. The chart (s) must be clear and easy to read.
15. Do remember spreadsheet task carries the highest marks.
16. Do remember when writing letters you must use professional style and not casual style.
17. Do remember to save all the files you used or created using meaningful file names and secure them in a folder. If you are required to show evidence of your folder, make sure the file names are readable.
18. Do ensure that any leaflet/flyer/presentation you create must be suitable for the target audience. Read the question carefully to identify the target audience. Ensure your work is clear and easy to read.
19. Do select images from the image folder only for Section 2 and choose only images that are fit for the purpose intended.
20. Do arrange your printouts the same way the questions are asked to ensure it is organised.
21. Do your best and remain focused throughout the examination.

♥ ♥ ♥ Good luck ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Good luck ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ Good luck ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ Good luck

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